What I can offer:

Game development

I have created games using Construct 3, so far and I am learning to use Unreal Engine.

I have created scenes in Unreal and I am currently creating a sandbox to showcase mechanics.

Voice acting for characters and narration

Voice acting for characters and narration for games.

2D animated assets

I often create 2D animated assets and animate them, this is something I am fairly experienced in.

Concept art and character design

Character design and concept art for games.

This can include character bios as well as art.

Playtesting and quality assurance

I have recently been studying play testing and can offer my newly found knowledge and skills in quality assurance.

3D assets

I am currently using Blender to create 3D assets and learn to texture, UV mapping, rigging and more.

This would be an opportunity to develop my skills and knowledge.

User interface design and implementation

I have also studied around UI and created some UI for hypothetical games. 

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