More about me:

Me setting up a college game tournament in my first year of college.
Me setting up a college game tournament in my first year of college.

My journey in game development:

I have studied a level 2 course in games development for a year and am currently studying a level 3 course in games technology for 2 years.

I hope to study games technology further in university after my last year in college.

Whilst studying in college, I have learned many skills, both soft skill and hard skills.

I have learned general computer skills, marketing skills, quality assurance, how to use Blender and Unreal, digital art skills and so much more.

On top of that I have also developed soft skills such as good communication skills, time management, creative and critical thinking, work ethic, leadership skills, adaptability, independence and more. 

My goal for the future is to create games that will not only entertain players but leave a lasting impact on them. With every project I work on, I strive to exceed my expectations, work my hardest to develop my skills and bring my unique ideas to life.

My story:

From a young age, I have been passionate about video games and would spend all my free-time playing different video games growing up.

The passion to play video games intensified as I got older and I began to have a fond interest in games development and wanting to work in the games industry.

Whilst in school, I would create hypothetical GDD for game ideas I would have and create character concept art for them. 

I finally began to fulfill my passion to want to develop games when I joined a game development course in college.

Since then, I have felt determined for my future in wanting to become a game developer and voice actor for games.

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